Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Christ the center of my Teen age!

This has been a very interesting week. My small twin sisters were saperated for the first time in fourteen years thanks to high school. This is a week when teenagers are joining high school entering into a new environment, meeting new people, making new friends, studying new subjects and many other new things.

When teenagers get into a new environment they tend to become very much aware of things around them. The urge to change so that you can adapt and fit in becomes their number one priority. Teenagers: change is not bad, but is it Christ centered change? Lets look at some of the issues that teenagers grapple with as they seek to change. Some of the things I have noticed include; puberty, weight, popularity in school, boy girl relationships e.t.c.

Puberty tends to make most teengers hyperactive causing them a huge lifestyle change, either for the worst or for better. Weight issues have drawn teens to conditions like anorexia and many others. In search of popularity, teens end up involving themselves in sinful practices assuming that when you fit in, then you gain popularity. They begin to struggle with fornication, drugs and drug abuse, lack of interest in anything academic. This leads to deteriorating grades which inturn burns up a prosperous future.

Teens, sometimes when facing such challenges, decide to go to church to try and avoid these habits. As much as going to church is good, it is not a solution to avoiding bad habits. Have you ever thought about completely and totally giving your life to the one person who will guarantee you a drama free life and complete victory from the clatches of the devil?

Being “saved” and “born again” are terms Christians use. Both come from the Bible.
The Bible says you cannot see the kingdom of God unless you are born again (John, 3:3). Being born again means you enter a new spiritual life through God's Holy Spirit.
Christians say that when someone gets “saved”, it means they have personally and deliberately put their trust in Jesus Christ. The Bible identifies Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and He will “save” you from everlasting punishment in Hell (the place of eternal torment) after you die.

If you want to live a Christ centered teen age, you can deterine in your heart that your path is that of eternal life. The prayer below will do the magic.  (You can change the words to make it more personal.)
Dear God,
I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sins, and then rose from the dead. I am willing to turn from sin. In the best way I know how, I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.  Amen.

You too can become saved today if you can genuinely pray the sentiments in that prayer and believe it!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Some of us need to speed up. We find reasons to not make decisions or initiate conversations. We procrastinate, avoid conflict, and are perfectionists.
Others of us need to slow down. We do everything so quickly that we get ourselves in trouble. We fire off emotional emails, make phone calls the minute we sense that there is any conflict, and make major decisions quickly.

Speed Up Already

Instead of being paralyzed by decisions or projects, remember that perfectionism is the enemy of progress. The stars don’t have to be perfectly aligned for you to make a decision. Choose to make a decision.
Instead of continuously finding reasons to avoid conflict, realize that conflict does not go away when you procrastinate. In fact conflict often worsens with procrastination. Initiate the conflict that you know is necessary.
Instead of keeping your thoughts and opinions to yourself, realize that you have a valuable contribution to make. Your wisdom is critical for us in the slow down category. Step up and make your voice heard. You might scare the rest of us but that is probably what we need.

Slow the Heck Down

Instead of making your decisions so rapidly, take a little more time to research, reflect, and consider. You will likely make a better decision by slowing down.
Instead of initiating conflict the moment that you sense tension, give yourself some time to let your emotions settle. I don’t mean 5 minutes but a day or two. We all know that you aren’t afraid of conflict.  You will probably be thinking more clearly tomorrow.
Instead of always speaking so quickly, slow down your communication. Think before you speak. For more than 5 seconds. You will find yourself needing to apologize a lot less.
iStock_000008463541XSmallMost of us can identify things that are draining to us (Drainers). We also know that there are things in our lives that are energizing to us (Gainers). Here is one example for me. I love to be with people. For most of my adult life my job has been to spend time with people. But too much time with people and I am drained. I have learned that time away is good. In fact, “Away” is one of my favorite places!
Time away from people can be quite energizing to me. Time alone thinking, reflecting, and praying is also energizing to me. Time with my family is energizing to me. (Most of the time:) Just being aware of your drainers and gainers can help you to stay in balance and keep you from going crazy! To keep your drainers from taking over your life, grab a pen and a pad of paper and walk through the following exercise.

Step 1: Make a list of a few things that are draining to you.

This may include certain kinds of work, too much time alone, too much time with people, or activities and habits that are contrary to what you believe.  Spend a few minutes brainstorming and naming these drainers. Just naming them and being aware will help you to not get swallowed up by drainers.

Step 2: Make a list of a few things that are life-giving to you.

Your list may include people who are life-giving, work that inspires you, creative outlets, exercise, time alone, or time with God.  Naming and being aware of these gainers will help you to commit to spend more time doing these things.

Step 3: Look for ways to limit your drainers and expand your gainers.

What can be limited?  What can be eliminated?  Is your entire day dominated by drainers?  Do you have a planned day off?  What will you do to re-charge?

What are your drainers? What are your gainers? Feel free to comment.

Friday, 15 February 2013


John 8:12

Human beings will always find themselves initiating projects that benefit society. Its hard however that when they need a favor they will always point out what they did. Picture Esther Passaris for instance. She seeks to be elected women's representative in Nairobi County. Today I was reading some of her adverts on the highway. One of her slogans read.... "Warembo na mama taa" to translate it simply means "beauties with the lighting Mama". She is remembered in the city of Nairobi for what she did with her Adopt a Light Company that won a tender to lighten the city. A job she did well.

Adopt a light is what caught my attention. A thought just went through my mind, what if we decided to adopt Jesus. Adopt a light in a way brought light into the city of Nairobi and it was great because right now it is safe to drive, walk and work in the city even late at night. Lets now focus on the part where we start adopting Jesus. Jesus as we know, is the light of the world. We sing always that he is the light of the world that stepped down into darkness.

Imagine if we were to adopt Jesus, how many aspects of our lives would he light up. Talk, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, psychological, in other words, everything would light up. If you are leaving a miserable life, try adopting Jesus and see how he is gonna turn your life around. The good thing about Jesus is that he will never remind you of how much he has done for you. Jesus needs us, but even when we turn away from him he still tries to light our world. It is only until when the devil drives us crazy that we run back but still get him with arms stretched wide. 

I love Jesus and I choose to adopt Him now. I need light in my life. Try Him today. His arms are stretched wide. I know he hears your cry. Speak to Him now. Tell Him how much you need him. Adopt Him today and lighten up your life.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Jesus Loves me this I Know!

A few days ago, while heading to work, I passed by a mother taking her little girl to school. The little girl sang "Jesus Loves this I know" so loudly and with a lot of pride that I was just amazed. It was Clear to me that the little girl was proud that Jesus love for her was so certain that she was not ashamed of singing it out loud. That was last week.

Today morning, I wanted to observe the mood in the air. Being a Valentines day, I have spotted so many reds around. Unlike the little girl who probably has no idea what Valentines day means, the adults who know the meaning put more importance on Valentines and public display of love for fellow man rather than public display of their love for God.

I desired that I would turn back time and find myself being as young as the little girl. Jesus one time said that the kingdom of God belonged to those that  are like little children (Luke 18:16, Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14). If I can sing out loudly every morning how Jesus loves me and how I love him, I would be proud to be associated with the same Jesus and to get others associated to him as well. 

The primary meaning of the word "love" in Scripture is a "purposeful commitment to sacrificial action for another. Today many will take pride in the fact that some one professes love to them. I take pride in the fact that Jesus did not just profess eternal love to me but he also demonstrated his love for me, that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Romans 5:8). This love was demonstrated through a sacrificial action, he became the sacrificial lamb who ransomed me. Upon the cross He took my sin and by His blood he set me free.

Today, people will front emotions and the flesh will be glorified. People will exchange strong emotions for true love. Emotions will vary, but a commitment which has its basis in biblical love will not be affected by the whelm of emotion or of one's circumstances.

Our example of true love is shown in God's love for the sinner. Romans 5:8 says ". . .commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." The lost sinner living in rebellion and sin is still loved by the Lord. He loved us enough to die for us and pay our sin debt while we were sinning against Him. This shows that true biblical love is a matter of will....not of emotion. God choose to love us and His love was not based on our meriting it in any way. 

My love for God will be the basis of my love for man. Just as He has loved me so should I love my fellow man.

Happy Valentines Day! 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Abididing in Christ, Believing His Word, Living Epistles, Active Witnesses, Zealous Soulwinners, Excited Examples

We are ready to reach our generation with the message of the cross.

Timothy 4:12 (New International Version)

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Note 13 at 1Ti 4:12: If you were to diagram this sentence, "you" would be the subject. Paul was telling Timothy that he was the one responsible for how others viewed his authority.
Of course, there are always some people who are going to be upset, but to a large degree, we influence other people's opinion of us. Paul went on to instruct Timothy about how he could gain the respect of those to whom he ministered (see note 15 at this verse).
Note 14 at 1Ti 4:12: This scripture makes it clear that Timothy was a young man at the time Paul was writing this epistle. That still doesn't give us a clear sense of his age, because the Jews didn't consider a boy to be a man until the age of thirty. Most scholars believe Timothy was in his thirties at this time.
The principle that Paul was explaining is that maturity is not always associated with years. Out of all the people Paul had trained, Timothy's heart was the closest to that of the Apostle Paul (Php 2:20). Timothy was the one anointed by God to carry on the work of the church at Ephesus, and he had to fight any cultural barriers that would cause the older people not to respect his authority because of his young age.
Note 15 at 1Ti 4:12: Paul didn't write to the people at Ephesus about not despising Timothy's youth; he wrote to Timothy about not letting others despise his youth. This shows that individuals are responsible, to a large degree, for other people's opinions about them (see note 13 at this verse). People who lack character often sit around and complain about the way others view them. People with strong character change the way others view them.
Paul told Timothy how to get others to respect his authority. It can all be summed up in the word "example." Paul told Timothy things he could do that would manifest his godly character and authority to others in such a way that would make them respect the position God had placed him in.
Often those in positions of authority demand respect just because they hold the office, yet they don't live lives worthy of respect. It is true that the offices people occupy demand respect, regardless of personal conduct. Those who fail to live up to the character of their offices alienate their followers and open themselves up to many unnecessary problems.
Paul was telling Timothy to earn the respect of the people by living a godly life, and then no one would be able to criticize him. The following instructions are how Timothy was to achieve this lifestyle. These are classic instructions on godly living that all leaders should try to follow.
Note 16 at 1Ti 4:12: No leaders should ever expect others to follow them if they don't have their mouths under control. The first thing Paul instructed Timothy about was his words. Lies, exaggerations, deceit, and malice are not becoming to anyone, but they are disastrous to leaders. Those who conquer their tongues can conquer anything (Jas 3:2), and those who have not conquered their tongues will face difficulties in leadership.
The political system that is in place today, where lies are acceptable, reveals how far our leaders are from being godly leaders. This should not happen in the church.
Note 17 at 1Ti 4:12: The second thing Paul instructed Timothy about in order to gain the respect of those to whom he ministered was his lifestyle. That's what the word "conversation" means. The New International Version translated this word as "life."
Godly living that earns respect has to be more than words. It must include the things we say being backed up by consistent actions. How we act speaks so loudly that the world can't hear what we say.
Note 18 at 1Ti 4:12: The old English word "charity" denotes God's kind of love. Paul spoke to Timothy about his words (see note 16 at this verse) and actions (see note 17 at this verse), and here, Paul was dealing with Timothy's motives.
Paul revealed in 1Co 13 that speaking in tongues, operating in faith, moving in the gifts, and even giving all that we have are nothing without God's kind of love. Somehow, the attitude of our hearts is communicated regardless of our words or actions.
This is especially important for ministers. Regardless of their words and demeanor, the motives of their hearts come through. They can preach on love and make it look and sound good, but if there is bitterness or un-forgiveness in their hearts, then people will perceive that. They must minister with spirit ("charity"), soul ("conversation"), and body ("word").
Note 19 at 1Ti 4:12: The word "spirit" is used here in the sense of "mental disposition" (Strong's Concordance)--not as a part of man's being, as in spirit, soul, and body. Paul was telling Timothy to let his attitude be an example to those he ministered to.
The New International Version omits the word "spirit" from Paul's list, yet attitude is vitally important in people's lives. All employers have employees who may do their jobs well, but their attitudes aren't good. These are not the people who gain the respect of their bosses and are promoted. Attitude is often the determining factor in people's lives. Attitude either inspires others or causes others to reject them.
Note 20 at 1Ti 4:12: Any Christian leaders who are hoping to influence others have to be strong in faith. When life's problems come, whether they respond in faith or fear speaks volumes to those who watch their lives.
Note 21 at 1Ti 4:12: Vine's Expository Dictionary says the Greek word "HAGNEIA," which was translated "purity" here, "denotes the chastity which excludes all impurity of spirit, manner, or act." This describes what many people today would call integrity.
Even people with pure hearts still sin and make mistakes, but they don't lie about it or try to cover up what they've done. They are transparent. They don't ascribe blame to someone else for what they've done; they accept responsibility. People with pure hearts are humble and receive mercy from others because they've given mercy to others (Jas 2:13).