Monday 25 August 2014

A Call for Missions (Awakening a Generation Hungry For change)

Before Jesus departed to His heavenly throne to take His position as Lord and Christ, He spent a final time with His eleven disciples. The last command that He gave them was this: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Following this command, it was our prayer that we will obey and do as Christ commanded. So in less than a month, our bishop and pastor planned with pastor Kallest for our young people to go for a mission in Gilgil. It was a great feeling to see how many young people were excited to participate in this mission, both young, single young adults and even the married. So Friday evening we headed to Gilgil to preach and share Christ overnight, full day on Saturday and Sunday service. We could see hearts that were full of expectation, hungry for Christ and just yearning to mingle with other likeminded young people. It was interesting how our minds were changed from the desire for adventure to the desire for Christ. Adventure took a back seat while Christ became the center of our mission. Christ was represented in song and dance, word, smiles on every face, conversation, meals and everything that happened.

So many lessons I learnt from this mission. Some made my heart jump for joy while others made my heart wail. All in all, it is very clear that  work needs to be done. We have a great number of unregenerate Christians that Christ is telling us to reach out to. Why do we sit comfortable in our own churches and lie to ourselves that everything is okay? Why do we muzzle our young people and keep them from expressing their passion for Christ? One of the most amazing feeling I had is when I saw teenagers from our church that would never say or do something in church but freely did everything for Christ out there. Could this be platforms that God provides so that people can discover their inborn drives and unleash the potentials within?  Sometimes it takes exposure for us to gain experience. At home, most of the times we have so many Michals. Remember Saul’s daughter, who was the wife of David, when she saw him dancing and his clothes falling off she said sarcastically “How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!” She ended up becoming childless.

At home, the Michals of our time will do everything to keep young people from expressing their love to God, from living out their salvation. There is growing criticism on anything good that young Christians do. As blind as the current Michals are, they never notice that they have become spiritually barren. They stopped being fruitful a long time ago. They live in bitterness and any element of change scares them to death. They feel threatened and any attempt to bring change is seen as an invasion of their comfort zones. Unfortunately, when they bark, some of the young Christians scatter. But praise God for those whose resolve remain unchanged. When they decided to follow Jesus they were ready to carry the cross so they never look or turn back. They are pressing on towards the mark of the high calling to be able to reach their goals in Christ. They have sold their hearts out to Christ. They will go anywhere, sleep anywhere they can lay their heads or sometimes even sacrifice their sleep, eat whatever they can get or even go without food just for missions. They have a deep hunger for the lost, they have a passion for others. They will weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. The words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him” keep them going.

The critics will never sacrifice their comfort for anyone or anything. They value their queen-size comfortable beds which unfortunately don’t come with added sleep. They will not even stand the smell of food that does not march their standard. Overnight prayer meetings, what a minute, are you serious? What don’t we have to sacrifice our sleep for that? When you talk about evangelism they will be wondering what the work of pastors, evangelists and the rest is? Why should they do work that is for other people.

Good news is, God is awakening a generation that will bring change. A generation with an eye and a heart for missions has awakened. Beat them with your criticism all you like, they will not falter, they have made a decision to heed to the call of Christ. They are marching on and sweeping everyone on their way. If you did not participate in the Gilgil mission, don’t sit back and become the fat King Kevin told us about. Ehud will kill you. Awake oh you sleeping giants. God is calling us to reach out. Be part of this generation. Bring change to the nations. Touch the heart of God and watch him spear nothing to touch you.

1 comment:

  1. Very true,God is raising ageneration,radicaly transformed for His work,the work is on the run and we must do it,we are ready to carry asword in one hand and work with the other hand.Thnks Essie
